The Leader

Campus News


Fredonia Radio Systems found guilty of violating statute

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Assistant News Editor Fredonia Radio Systems (FRS) was found guilty of violating Statute O-6 Article II of the Student Association in a court case on Nov. 13. The statute violated regards to membership requirements of a club, specifically stating that “membership for Constituted groups shall be open......
Life & Arts

Sam Smith thrills us all once again: Smith’s second album tops the charts

Contributor to The Leader
TEISHA MCELFRESH Special to the Leader   Sam Smith is possibly one of the youngest old souls that we have in pop music today. According to, he is a four-time Grammy winner and has also won an Academy Award. Between his romantically desperate crooning ballads and his impossibly high......
Life & Arts

The spirit of Shakespeare pays Fredonia a visit: ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ comes to Barlett Theatre

Contributor to The Leader
BAILEY KUZMA Special to The Leader   Starting Nov. 30 and continuing from Dec. 1 through Dec. 3, Fredonia will be putting on Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” in the Bartlett Theatre in the Rockefeller Arts Center. “The major themes are: love, [a] couple who have it, lose it [and]......

Philosophical debate brings back age-old question: Is abortion morally acceptable?

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Assistant News Editor   On Nov. 7, Fredonia hosted a debate that discussed the morality of abortion. Dr. John Keller, associate professor at Niagara University, argued that abortion is immoral while Fredonia’s own Dr. Stephen Kershnar, chair of the philosophy department, argued that abortion is moral. A......

Aitcheson and Apthorpe elected to SA presidency and vice-presidency

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer   After about 700 votes were tallied during last week’s Student Association elections, junior Spanish adolescence education major Connor Aitcheson and junior public relations major Hannah Apthorpe were elected to the SA Presidency and Vice-Presidency, respectively. “Students have this perception that the students that serve on......

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