The Leader

Campus News

Life & Arts

Punk rock’s not dead: ‘GoNightClubbing’ directors visit Fredonia

Contributor to The Leader
MOLLY VANDENBERG Staff Writer The SUNY Fredonia Cinema Alternatives Group had a showing of “GoNightClubbing” on Oct. 2 where Pat Ivers and Emily Armstrong were present to talk about their work. The mix shown was a collection of punk rock video performances from 1975-1980 in New York City during the......
Life & Arts

‘She Kills Monsters’ brings witty, dragon-slaying characters to life: PAC opens their first show of the season

 [metaslider id=9909]   KARA CEKUTA Staff Writer Fredonia’s Performing Arts Company is preparing for their first show of the season with their full length rendition of “She Kills Monsters,” a story by Samuel French. This dramatic comedy was written into a play by Qui Nguyen in 2011. The Performing Arts......

“Nambia” to be the focus of next International Cooking Demo at Lanford House

Contributor to The Leader
BIRGER VANWESENBEECK Special to The Scallion Since 2016, Fredonia’s Lanford House has regularly hosted international cookouts where Fredonia faculty share recipes from their respective international cuisines with colleagues. Previous editions of the very successful series have focused on India, Paraguay, Italy, Turkey and Brazil. Now Fredonia is taking the series......

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