The Leader

Campus News

Life & Arts

Activist Wanjuki warns against rape culture, Trump presidency

Contributor to The Leader
NUNET CLITANDRE Special to The Leader   Wagatwe Wanjuki, a prominent feminist and anti-rape figure, came to Fredonia on March 30, closing out Women’s History Month to talk to students about rape culture in President Donald Trump’s America. She wore a red t-shirt with the words “I Won’t Keep Calm......
Life & Arts

Cancelled Callaway masterclass back on

Contributor to The Leader
ZOE KIRIAZIS Staff Writer   Once upon a January, Liz Callaway, a veteran Broadway actress, was scheduled to conduct a vocal masterclass composed by School of Music and Department of Theatre and Dance students. However, after an unexpected snowstorm, her initial appearance was cancelled. The masterclass has been rescheduled and......
Life & Arts

Noontime at Reed showcases music students in casual setting

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=8985] AMBER MATTICE Life & Arts Editor   One thing Fredonia does not lack is music-related events. It seems as though there is always something happening on campus that involves music in one way or another. Despite the multiple ways that music is integrated into campus life, there are......

Igoe and Smith win big at Broadcast Education Association Conference

[metaslider id=8951] JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer Each year at the annual Broadcast Education Association conference, an award is handed out for the “Best Education Video” in the nation, with this year’s award going to assistant professors of communication Mike Igoe and Roslin Smith for their production, “Good Storytelling.” Igoe, a......

Letter From the Editor: We need to talk about plagiarism.

Contributor to The Leader
Dear Readers, As reported elsewhere in the pages of this issue, the office of Student Affairs sent out an email announcing the University was officially changing the name of “Dead Week,” the period before finals in which no campus events are to be held, to “Study Weeks.” Almost immediately, it......

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