The Leader

Campus News


The best college station in the nation: Fredonia Radio Systems nabs national award

Contributor to The Leader
COLIN PERRY Editor in Chief   In the cozy corner of McEwen Hall that houses Fredonia Radio Systems’ station, the vinyl record covers and newspaper clippings that adorn the walls will have to make way for a new plaque—one that says “Best College Station in the Nation.” The high honor......

There’s no place like hope: Fredonia prepares for 11th annual Relay for Life

CAMRY DEAN Staff Writer On Saturday, March 25, Fredonia will be teaming up with the Buffalo chapter of the American Cancer Society to hold its 11th annual Relay for Life event. From 4 p.m. to 4 a.m., hundreds of people from more than 30 on-campus teams will gather in Steele......

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