The Leader

civil rights

Life & Arts

A guide to learning about and celebrating Black History Month

Alex Bucknam
ALEX BUCKNAM Asst. News Editor  Since 1976, February has been recognized as Black History Month.  First recognized by President Gerald Ford, the concept dates all the way back to the original founder, historian Carter G. Woodson, in 1926. Woodson first started realizing during his educational experience to escape poverty that......

SUNY Fredonia student says he was assaulted, then police arrested him

Contributor to The Leader
 Student files federal civil rights case against village police   CASEY HUBERSpecial to The Leader  A SUNY Fredonia student and his mother have filed a federal civil rights case against two Village of Fredonia police officers as a result of a January incident. The student was arrested while police were investigating......

Editorial: Why did Fredonia police not consider Black male a victim?

Contributor to The Leader
THE LEADER STAFF The Leader published a story about a SUNY Fredonia student who was allegedly assaulted, according to a lawsuit that was filed, and then was arrested by police for disorderly conduct. The writer interviewed and obtained information to write this story from the mother of that student in......

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