The Leader

Current Event Opinion


Editorial: Almost one year of Trump is the scariest thing about Halloween this year

Contributor to The Leader
Trump is the worst. We’ve said it time and time again. We’ve complained. We’ve yelled. We’ve shed actual human tears. And here we are a year later. The terrible Dorito man has almost been in office for an entire year and he hasn’t gotten any better. He cannot act like......

The Catalan crisis: Referendum may be disaster for European economy

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Staff Writer   The climate is revolutionary for the Spanish region of Catalonia as just last month almost 2 million Catalans voted to completely secede from Spain. The wealthy part of the Iberian Peninsula has had partial autonomy since 1977 when Spain became a democratic nation, and......

The North Korean crisis: a Machiavellian perspective

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Special to The Leader Let’s be real — the hopes of a peaceful resolution to the North Korean crisis are long dead and now the world faces a harsh reality. North Korea’s claims of possessing long-range ICBM technology combined with their more frequent missile launches have put......

Protests take center stage in Week 3: League comes together in act of unity

Contributor to The Leader
CURTIS HENRY Sports Editor   The national anthem protests in the National Football League that have taken place over the past 12+ months have never been about the forty-fifth president of the United States. The protests, ignited by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have always been about the lack of......

College students were no-shows at the voting booths

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Special to The Leader In a recent report, Fredonia’s voting percentages for the 2016 presidential election have been marked as below average compared to other SUNY college institutions. In the Nation Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement conducted by Tufts University, Fredonia’s voting percentage was measured at......

Nonviolence Isn’t Always Easy, But We Should Practice It Anyway

Contributor to The Leader
James Lillin STAFF WRITER   The grotesque violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, has cast a shadow over the lives of many Americans, as a White Supremacist protester drove his car into a crowd of anti-racist protestors, murdering 32-year-old Helen Heyer and injuring at least 19 others. Many argue that the heavily-armed,......

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