The Leader



Times have changed The evolution of queer culture at Fredonia: 1950s to today

Contributor to The Leader
COURTNEE CESTA Managing Editor “It was another world back then.” As queer America has changed, so, too, has Fredonia. Professor Emeritus John Malcolm was a student at Fredonia in the late 1950s, faculty until 1970 and sat as the founding chair of the communication department from 1977-98. “I watched the......

Rebuilding a ‘Safe Zone’ Efforts being made to increase presence of program on campus

MEGHAN GUATTERY Staff Writer While walking around campus, you may have noticed an upside down, triangular, rainbow colored sticker on the occasional office door. On these stickers are two short words: “Safe Zone” Although these stickers receive no more than a passing glance by students on their way to classes,......

Workshops engage students in the joy of discovery

MEGHAN GUATTERY Staff Writer The biology department will be continuing this year’s overall convocation theme of “Joyful Discovery” with an open-forum, titled “Maintaining Joyful Discovery in Natural Spaces.” “When you’re exploring, and you’re outside, it is just really exciting and fun to see all of the incredible, really cool, amazing......
Life & Arts

‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ premieres Back to the Summer of Love

Contributor to The Leader
Picture taken by Adrea Adinolfe/ Special to The Leader REBECCA HALE Assistant Reverb Editor Students, faculty and alumni experienced the psychedelic culture of the ‘60s, coupled with a Shakespearean classic, in Marvel Theatre last weekend. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is set in Ohio, at Athens College. The characters are separated......

Former student found guilty of sex crimes Lewis’s sentencing triggered reform in College of Education

Courtesy of WSYR-TV MAGGIE GILROY Editor in Chief The College of Education is redrafting its fingerprint protocols following the two-year prison sentence handed to Arthur Lewis, a 2012 graduate of the College of Education. According to the Syracuse Post-Standard, Lewis was convicted of rape in the third degree, forcible touching......

Chautauqua named High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Heroin use reported high in county, but not on campus

Contributor to The Leader
BRITTANY PERRY Special to The Leader Last week, the federal government named Chautauqua County a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, or HIDTA, due to a rising heroin problem. Heroin arrests in Jamestown alone have tripled over the past three years and have been linked to more deaths in the area......

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