ABIGAIL JACOBSON News Editor ALEX BUCKNAM Asst. News Editor Warning: This article contains strong language. With the recent wave of executive orders being signed into law by President Donald Trump, many communities around the United States have been protesting. As of Feb. 7, the SUNY Fredonia campus community is one......
MIA CIECHALSKI Staff Writer Amidst the closed-offness that lingers from what seems like never-ending Fredonia snowstorms, it is rare to see anyone, professor or student alike, become excited by the return to a perpetually snowy Fredonia. New adjunct professor Natasha McCandless appears to challenge this assumption. McCandless has recently joined......
ALEX BUCKNAM Asst. News Editor Warning: This article contains strong language. If you don’t live under a rock, then you know by now that SUNY Fredonia is currently facing a financial problem. Everything is a mess, the future is unclear, and staff, faculty and students are lost with no idea......
DAN QUAGLIANA Managing Editor Dr. Rob Deemer is a name that most students have probably heard floating around campus, even if they don’t know exactly who he is. Finding out all that he does will take a long time, simply because he accomplishes so much around the university. Deemer is,......
ALEXANDER BUCKNAM Assistant News Editor If you are one of many students who wonder how you will pay for college, secure the classes you need and stay focused on your academic studies, then the Advance Completion Through Engagement (ACE) program is here to help. ACE is open to first-year college......
DAN QUAGLIANA News Editor SUNY Fredonia’s looming enrollment problems have been ongoing for many years. This year, the university has taken its most radical step yet in trying to fix them — the hiring of a dedicated vice president for enrollment management and services (VPEMS), Dr. Kathryn Kendall. The VPEMS......
CHLOE KOWALYK Editor in Chief DAN QUAGLIANA News Editor On May 2, the SUNY chancellor and Board of Trustees unveiled the budget for the system of 64 colleges and universities, one month before the anticipated date. A press release from the aforementioned date states, “The State University of New York......
DAN QUAGLIANA News Editor ROSEMARIE RAPISARDA Staff Writer On March 13, SUNY Fredonia’s Vice President for Finance and Administration Michael Kelly resigned from his position at the University. “Today [March 13], I had a conversation about the future with Mr. Michael Kelly, [v]ice [p]resident for Finance and Administration, and I......
DAN QUAGLIANA News Editor Walking into Reed Library is like walking into the manifestation of academia itself. Shelves upon shelves of books line the far windows in front of a multitude of study carrels; a research hub lies right next to the main entrance and PCs for work adorn practically......