The Leader



Vandalism in village leaves residents vexed

Contributor to The Leader
CAMRY DEAN Staff Writer             For the past two issues, The Leader has published two Guest Op-Eds from Fredonia faculty, including President Virginia Horvath, on recent vandalism in the Fredonia community.             Last weekend, Horvath was included in several threads on social media about the vandalism and property crimes evidently......

Fredonia Radio Systems starts fundraiser to help former custodian Randy Goodemote

Contributor to The Leader
  CONNOR HOFFMAN News Editor Fredonia Radio Systems (FRS) is hosting a fundraiser dedicated to raising money to help recently retired custodial worker Randy Goodemote fight cancer. FRS is selling special bracelets for $2 that say “Team Randy – We Have Your Back!” Goodemote was diagnosed with cancer last year......

Fredonia ALL IN Challenge seeks to get out the vote

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer With the presidential election right around the corner, Fredonia has been searching for ways to drum up student involvement and, ultimately, to increase voter turnout come election day. One of the most recent signs of political apathy among Fredonia students was a campus report detailing the......

History major Schrantz finds significant discovery through Fredonia internship

Contributor to The Leader
Kelsie Abbt and Dan Orzechowski Special to The Leader   This past summer, senior Benjamin Schrantz revealed a major piece to a 3,000-year-old puzzle. Using opportunities and connections provided by the State University of New York at Fredonia, he was able to make a previously overlooked discovery that has since......

Web Exclusive: Q&A with Michele Bernatz

Contributor to The Leader
As reported by The Leader last week, the Department of Visual Arts and New Media has welcomed a new chair this semester. Staff Writer James Lillin spoke to her about the future of the department, her Fredonia connections and more.   James Lillin (JL): What differentiates the Visual Arts and New......

Visual Arts and New Media Department looks to the future: New semester brings new chair and more

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer Fredonia’s Visual Arts and New Media Department is facing numerous changes this year as it adapts to a new location in the $37 million dollar expansion added on to the Rockefeller Arts Center, an expansion which includes new areas for sculpting, drawing, animating, and illustrating. Leading......

‘Growing into the future’: College of Education receives prestigious CAEP accreditation

Contributor to The Leader
JORDAN PATTERSON Assistant News Editor   After a long process, Fredonia has passed all of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation’s (CAEP) standards, becoming the first college to do so in New York. CAEP, the sole education accreditor in the nation, recently informed Fredonia that they had been......

Guest Op-Ed: It’s not okay

Contributor to The Leader
PRESIDENT VIRGINIA HORVATH Special to The Leader Last weekend, I was alerted to several threads on social media about destruction of property in a yard on Temple Avenue. Most troubling to me, as threads continued to describe other acts of vandalism and disrespect, was a statement from a community member......
Life & Arts

Review: Broadening horizons one note at a time: Faculty concert in King Concert Hall showcases the new organ

Contributor to The Leader
SHENECA SHARPE Staff Writer   With the addition of the new organ in King Concert Hall, the only way to celebrate Fredonia’s new renovation was, of course, providing a concert for community members and students. The performance featured  faculty members such as Dr. Ji Hyun Woo, Dr. David Cowell, Natasha......

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