The Leader


Life & Arts

“Cabaret” and “Snow White” to grace Fredonia stages

Contributor to The Leader
LINDSAY TOMAKA Special to The Leader Sultry love affairs, witty comedy and audience participation are all things to look forward to with this semester’s Fall theatre productions. Last July, theatre students already knew what to expect for the semester and were preparing; by the first week of school they were......

Remembering Malcolm Communication Professor Emeritus dies at 77

Contributor to The Leader
MANDA DEDIE Assistant News Editor John P. Malcolm, the founding father of the Department of Communication of Fredonia, died on Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Malcolm, Professor Emeritus of the communication department, joined the Fredonia staff in 1963 as the director for the Instructional Resources Center (IRC), or what is now......

Spectrum adds a block party to Welcome Week

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=2864] COLIN PERRY Special to The Leader Whether they were adjusting to new surroundings for the first time or returning to life at Fredonia, students across campus had plenty to enjoy in this Fall’s Welcome Week. Held at the beginning of each semester by Spectrum Entertainment Board, the festivities......

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