The Leader



[EMAIL REPOST] Information Regarding Continuity of Academic Instruction

Contributor to The Leader
To:       Fredonia Students From:  Kevin P. Kearns, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Date:   18 March 2020 Re:      Information Regarding Continuity of Academic Instruction  As you know, Governor Cuomo has directed all SUNY and CUNY schools to transition classroom-based learning to a digital format, effective March 19th. This......

[EMAIL REPOST] Fredonia CDO Remote Services

Contributor to The Leader
Dear Students and Alumni, In an effort to provide our services while ensuring the safety of everyone in light of COVID-19, the Career Development Office (CDO) will remain open remotely. We will be available to students and alumni for appointments by email or phone during our regularly scheduled hours, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.,......

Fredonia Radio Systems attends broadcast conference in New York City

Contributor to The Leader
AVRIL KING Managing Editor Amid the chaos created by COVID-19, Fredonia Radio Systems took their annual trip to the Intercollegiate Broadcast System (IBS) conference, located in New York City, March 5-8. The trip itself involved seminars and Q-and-A sessions for students interested in the broadcast field. The most notable moment......

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #7

Contributor to The Leader
Dear Campus Community:   Some additional information has been received or clarified over the past 48 hours:   Students Returning from Spring Break.  SUNY has issued a request for campuses to strongly urge students planning on returning to campus (or currently staying on campus) to reconsider their decisions and remain......

[EMAIL REPOST] Student Emergency Relief Fund

Contributor to The Leader
From: University Advancement <>Date: Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 8:57 AM Dear Campus Community, Faculty and staff are coming together to assist students during this turbulent time. A Student Emergency Relief Fund, to assist students financially who face unexpected expenses related to the healthcare crisis and to alleviate hardship related to......

[EMAIL REPOST] Essential/Non-Essential Personnel

Contributor to The Leader
From: President’s Office <>Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 7:08 PM March 16, 2020 Dear Faculty and Staff: This evening the Governor issued a new directive about non-essential state employees working from home.  Our list of essential personnel is being reviewed and, where necessary, will be updated to reflect current......
Life & Arts

Fredonia Spectrum’s David Dobrik appearance to be cancelled

Contributor to The Leader
JESSICA MEDITZ Life & Arts Editor Following the various health and safety precautions put in place by New York State, SUNY Fredonia has decided to cancel all shows in Rockefeller Arts Center for the remainder of the semester. This includes the David Dobrik show. “All remaining ticketed performances for the......

When nature strikes, we have to act accordingly

Contributor to The Leader
KATIE LENDA Special to The Leader Thousands of college students across the nation have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Students were left feeling panicked after the decision was made to switch to online classes. For many students, this decision also meant returning home for the remainder of the......

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #6

Contributor to The Leader
From: President’s Office <>Date: Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 8:14 PM Dear Campus Community: This memo focuses exclusively on the issues of credits and refunds.  Guidance from SUNY regarding financial issues was received this afternoon.  To summarize, SUNY recommends:  For students leaving the residence halls, campuses should credit the unused......

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