The Leader

Marion Art Gallery

Life & ArtsOpinion

[OPINION] ART-icle: An Inside Look at the Current Senior Exhibition

Contributor to The Leader
JIMMY KELLER Special to The Leader While looking at the charcoal and pastel drawings by artist Christopher Dorner, I couldn’t help but also see my reflection in the glass. My mirrored face almost simultaneously placed myself in a landscape that reminds me of home. The tranquil, open skies in his......
Life & Arts

2021 Marion Fellowship awardee Sarah McKenzie presents ‘To See Inside: Examining Prison Architecture’

Contributor to The Leader
JAINA BERARDI Special to The Leader In 2021, a Colorado-based artist named Sarah McKenzie became the recipient of the Marion International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts. Because of this, her project, “To See Inside: Examining Prison Architecture,” was funded by this foundation. After over a year, her project......
Life & Arts

Marion Art Gallery’s “Independent Motion” exhibit set to move hearts

Contributor to The Leader
WILL KARRSpecial to The Leader From movies to cartoons, animation is typically geared towards children. Artist and curator Yvonne Grzenkowicz, however, is working to introduce the medium to people of all ages.“In the past five or ten years, animation has probably been classified as something that is more for kids......

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