The Leader

[SATIRE] Dumpster on campus mistaken for conceptual art piece

Life & Arts Editor

The dumpster behind Gregory Hall (yes… that dumpster) has drawn in a flock of art critics to campus. 

This latest piece was thought to be one of the most innovative sculptures on campus yet.

Photo by Derek Raymond

I know what you’re thinking, how could anything be more innovative than the bright orange suitcase of garbage?

Or the sculpture of pink and red sacks that somehow simultaneously reminds me of intestines and the pink goo that goes into a McDonald’s chicken nugget?

Apparently, a dumpster. 

Unfortunately, these art critics were mistaken, and this dumpster is merely just another run-of-the-mill dumpster. 

I can’t say I blame them for the mistake, because looking around campus, the art seems to have a more abstract and interpretive style. 

But who says a dumpster can’t be a piece of art? After all, if garbage can be considered art when it is in the shape of a suitcase, why isn’t it considered art when it is in a dumpster? 

Maybe someone should call those art critics back. 

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