The Leader

Colleges need emphasis on intellectual diversity

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Staff Columnist   As globalization has taken root in the fabric of the United States so, too, has the emphasis for diversity. This modern paradigm has brought about laws requiring female representation on boards and committees and to affirmative action in higher-ed which has done a magnificent......

Fredonia taught me how to listen

Contributor to The Leader
VICTOR SCHMITT-BUSH Assistant News Editor   I’ll admit it. On Jan. 20, 2017, I was ecstatic. It was the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration. Few things in life could have satisfied me more than to see the devastated looks on the faces of every Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders supporter.......

Why teacher pay is complicated and why education majors should stay here

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Staff Writer   From West Virginia to Colorado, teachers have been striking across the country demanding more compensation for their work. Starting back in February, teachers in West Virginia staged a widespread strike that finally resulted in a pay raise of 5 percent. Similar events have since......

Bernie Sanders’ proposed job guarantee warrants a lesson in economics

Contributor to The Leader
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Staff Writer   When fictional president from House of Cards, Frank Underwood, announced his plan to guarantee a job for every American, everything I knew about economics cringed, and it’s cringing now. Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, made for a unique presidential candidate by being......

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