The Leader

‘Shut up and dribble’? Nah

Contributor to The Leader
QUINTIN JAMES Assistant Sports Editor   During the NBA All-Star weekend, LeBron James and Kevin Durant were bombarded with questions about their response to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham’s “shut up and dribble” comments. In an interview with ESPN’s Cari Champion, James said, “We are at a watershed moment in this......

From the Desk of Brandon Safe, Copy Editor

Contributor to The Leader
  Brandon Safe Copy Editor   There are unfortunate, societal expectations for every race, every gender, every nationality and for any artificial grouping of people into categories. Of course, there are societal expectations for men, and for many people this is an issue. For me the primary issue is meat.......

Trump’s budget betrays his base and bolsters the uber-rich

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer   Many, if not most, of my relatives are fiscal conservatives. Oftentimes, the label is tacked on to a sentence announcing their conservative lean in an apologetic or conciliatory way — like ‘I’m a conservative, but a fiscal conservative, so if you want to marry a......

A Presidential Paradox: Trump uses first State of The Union to deepen divides

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer   In the aftermath of Trump’s slurred, rambling, self-congratulatory State of The Union address, there’s going to be a lot of debate over whether or not he was “presidential.” Certainly his frequent applause at his own lines was unusual for a State of The Union address,......

A journalist’s critique of a consumer’s critique

Contributor to The Leader
TRAVIS LEFEVRE Managing Editor   About two weeks ago, The Leader received a letter from a self proclaimed prophet and authorized Bible historian known as Ebenezer. It is essentially a wall of words titled “Conduct Unbecoming For a World Leader: A Consumer’s critique of the U.S. movie industry.” He goes......

From the Desk of Quintin James, Assistant Sports Editor – Caution: Fredonia’s campus

Contributor to The Leader
QUINTIN JAMES Assistant Sports Editor   Going to school five minutes south of Lake Erie has it perks for sure. The water is beautiful in the summer and there are plenty of beaches to play and lay on. In the winter, though, these perks turn into problems. Winter means snow,......

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