The Leader

FRED Probz


Lampoonist and Special to The Lampoon


In the days of the iPhone and the internet, it seems all of our problems have solutions. On the campus here at Fredonia, however, it seems we find more and more things to complain about.

From the time it takes to wait in line to Starbucks to seeing your ex at Sunny’s, there’s no shortage of Fredonia first world problems. Here’s some of our favorites:


  1. How El Diablo tastes nothing like Chipotle.
  2. When you don’t have a car and need to take the bus to Walmart.
  3. When the Calios delivery driver says it’ll take 45 minutes to an hour — and it takes an hour.
  4. When the fire alarm goes off at 2 in the morning.
  5. How your professor wakes you up in the middle of class.
  6. Waiting in line to get your burger on Burger Wednesday.
  7. When you get too many emails from Academic Affairs.
  8. Getting up for the 8 a.m. class you signed up for.
  9. When Tapingo doesn’t work.
  10. How you got the all-points plan and you’ve already spent a third of it.
  11. Going all the way to the Williams Center to get your free copy of the New York Times.
  12. When your friends see you at your on-campus job.
  13. Having to deal with the FredSecure WiFi network.
  14. When your RD calls an ambulance because you got too drunk.
  15. Walking all the way to the creek to smoke with your friends.


There are certainly more. If you have any other ideas, tweet them to @1stworldfred on Twitter! (Not affiliated with The Leader).

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