The Leader

Horoscopes: Election edition


Staff Scallywag

This week, we have a special edition of the horoscopes. These are the people that each of the signs would vote for.

Aries: You will not be voting at all because you’re pissed off at the establishment.

Taurus: You will be writing in Elizabeth Warren, because equality. <3

Gemini: Jo Jorgensen, because tHeReS mOrE oPtIoNs ThAn DeMoCrAt Or RePuBlIcAn.

Cancer: You don’t know who you’re voting for yet, you’re waiting to see what the full moon tells you to do.

Leo: You’re writing in Harambe, just like you did in 2016.

Virgo: Howie Hawkins. Honestly, you have no idea who he is, but you’re voting for him to be nice. 

Libra: You won’t be voting for president, but you will be voting in local elections, because that’s what matters.

Scorpio: Normally, you’d vote Republican. But this year, you’re voting for Joe Biden.

Sagittarius: You’re writing in Pete Buttigieg, because equality. <3

Capricorn: Kanye. Because Kanye.

Aquarius: Donald Trump, because you know more about wind than anyone.

Pisces: You’re writing in Bernie Sanders even after he told you not to do that.

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