The Leader

[SATIRE] Horoscopes: Which New Year’s resolution is right for you?


Editor-in-Chief, Reluctant Gemini

As we head into the second month of the new year, the resolutions that we were so sure we would stick to start to fade from memory. 

The ball drop appears to have had the same effect as the neuralyzer in the “Men in Black” films, erasing all recollection of any hope for self-improvement for 2025.

But that’s where I come in. 

You see, I have lived a lush 21 years on this Earth, and as such, I know a thing or two about breaking New Year’s resolutions. In fact, my breadth of knowledge is even more exclusive considering the fact that I, myself, have actually never managed to complete any resolution that I’ve ever made for the new year. 

If you’re like me and you could use a little help in the resolution department, I’ve made a handy dandy guide for your sign to show you which New Year’s resolution is right for you. 


Say how you feel

Behind the extrovert is a person with vulnerabilities and worries, just like all of us. Everyone knows that you’re a fantastic listener, but when was the last time someone listened to you? Express how you feel this year, unapologetically and boldly. 


Feel the love of those around you

As a Taurus, you exude love so powerfully that sometimes you’re not aware of all the support that is coming to you instead of from you. Everyone deserves to feel cared for and appreciated, and this year, you must strive to fully realize all of the love that surrounds you.


Challenge your resilience

Now, Geminis, you may take this as me saying that you’re going to have a rough year. But hear me out … that’s actually exactly what I’m saying. You’ll get through it, but not without a test of your inner strength first. 


Stop procrastinating

You need to stop hiding behind the excuse of senioritis. Those around you expect the best from you, so why shouldn’t you expect the best from yourself? You can rise to the occasion, so long as you channel this mantra: your homework won’t do itself. 


Break your self-expectations 

Leos tend to be very unforgiving of themselves, despite being very forgiving of others. It is time for you to break that pattern. You made mistakes in 2024 — we all did. But breaking the unrealistic expectations that you set for yourself will open your heart to possibilities previously unimagined.


Rely on others

2024 was difficult for you, especially because you spent most of the year pushing through rough times on your own. While you don’t want to burden others, this often comes at the cost of your well-being and isolation from those around you as they search without direction for ways to support you. To be loved is to be cared for, and those around you care so deeply for you that they are willing to do anything to help, you just have to be accepting of receiving it. 


Be proud of yourself

You already have the pride of all of those around you, who appreciate everything that you do and are continuously inspired by your unwavering resilience. It’s about time you see your achievements as they do. Libras are a force of nature, and you’re a representation of excellence. Treat yourself as such. 


Support marginalized communities (even more than usual)

As a trendsetter and advocate, everyone looks to you to know what’s what. With the exception of those living under a rock, most Americans are aware of the current state of turbulence arising between marginalized communities and the United States government. This year, it’s more important than ever to use your voice in support of the rights of the disenfranchised.


Plan for your future

Sometimes, the best plan in life is no plan. This is not one of those times. Society’s stability has been challenged many times in the recent past — by pandemic and by national powers. In order to quell some of the uncertainty of what lies ahead, 2025 is the year to be thinking of the future that you want, not the present that you have. 


Buy from small businesses

Contrary to Pisces’ resolution, it’s your turn to really rack up the credit card debt. And if you do this by buying from small businesses, you technically are being a stand-up person. Helping others at a personal expense (literally)? What could be more selfless?


Drink less 

I get it. Look at where we are. We’re college students, it’s an unwritten rule to go out and drink yourself sick, right? It’s a rite of passage to vomit on as many surfaces as possible before turning that tassel from right to left. But when is too much, too much? Maybe 2025 is the year when you ask yourself, ‘If I wasn’t in college right now, would this be considered alcoholism?’ If you’re unsure of the answer, it might be time to reevaluate. 


Save your money

That’s enough. You don’t need to buy name-brand-everything. And those designer bags are meant for millionaires, not college students. 2025 is the year to save. While some will spend the year trying to save their marriage, all that YOU have to do is save your wallet — not that hard, right?

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