The Leader


Life & Arts

Student artists depict physical realities in ‘Analog’ exhibit

Contributor to The Leader
WILL KARR Editor in Chief  Fredonia art students are stepping outside of their digital art majors for the “Analog” exhibition at the Emmitt Christian Gallery. The “Analog” exhibit, located in Rockefeller Arts Center, room 217, displays student artists’ exploration of several mediums.  “Analog” features work from 12 student artists, who......
Life & Arts

A zeitgeist of crisis: Professor Patrick Foran studies social issues in “Exploded View”

Contributor to The Leader
NERON SIMPSON Special to The Leader How does one respond to a crisis? With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing racial tensions and scientific skepticism, controversy has continued to evolve in recent years. Patrick Foran, a SUNY Fredonia visual arts and new media professor, responded to some of these......
Life & Arts

2021 Marion Fellowship awardee Sarah McKenzie presents ‘To See Inside: Examining Prison Architecture’

Contributor to The Leader
JAINA BERARDI Special to The Leader In 2021, a Colorado-based artist named Sarah McKenzie became the recipient of the Marion International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts. Because of this, her project, “To See Inside: Examining Prison Architecture,” was funded by this foundation. After over a year, her project......
GalleriesLife & Arts

Quinn Nova explores queerness, death and mental health in solo-exhibit ‘Ego Death’

Contributor to The Leader
WILL KARR Life & Arts Editor  Fredonia art student Quinn Nova grew up reading the Christian scriptures in Sunday school. However, as she approached middle school, she began questioning her faith for the first time.  “I started questioning why would God make us perfect, but also in the same sense......
Life & Arts

Marion Art Gallery’s “Independent Motion” exhibit set to move hearts

Contributor to The Leader
WILL KARRSpecial to The Leader From movies to cartoons, animation is typically geared towards children. Artist and curator Yvonne Grzenkowicz, however, is working to introduce the medium to people of all ages.“In the past five or ten years, animation has probably been classified as something that is more for kids......
Life & Arts

11 SUNY Fredonia B.A. theatre art senior capstones to showcase in “Envision” this weekend

Contributor to The Leader
TORI TRUMBULL Special to The Leader At the height of a busy weekend for the department of theatre and dance with “Ghost Quartet,” produced by Jay Byron, Niklas Dahlen and Skylar Ginsberg, “Not for Discipline” presented by the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) dance senior class and “This Random World”......

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