The Leader


Life & Arts

Andy Warhol’s work in Marion Art Gallery?

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Staff Writer  Yes, you read that headline right!  Andy Warhol, among many other notable artists, is now featured in SUNY Fredonia’s own Marion Art Gallery.  The current exhibit, “Living With Art: Selections from the Frederic P. ‘Nick’ Norton Collection,” features a wide range of pieces from Norton’s home.Norton......
Life & Arts

“Dos Mundos” photography exhibit travels to Marion Art Gallery

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Staff Writer The lives of many have slipped through the cracks of the American dream, living only in the shadow of our “great” nation. Their stories are being swallowed up by hardship and inequity. However, through photojournalism and the work of talented photographers, Americans can gain direct insight......
Life & Arts

Caitlin Sweet’s “Portraits of Society: Mental Effects”

Contributor to The Leader
ALYSSA BUMP Life & Arts Editor Caitlin Sweet’s solo art exhibition shines a light on the harsh reality of societal pressure.  “Portraits of Society: Mental Effects” features 15 acrylic paintings that have been created over the past three years.  In her artist statement, Sweet said, “This group of paintings is......
Life & Arts

The arts from home: How performance-based classes are coping

Contributor to The Leader
ANNA GAGLIANO Copy Editor The transition to online classes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has been tough for many students, but one particularly large group has been feeling it the hardest.  SUNY Fredonia students involved in music and the arts are struggling with the move toward distance learning. Out of the......
Life & Arts

How to support small businesses while social distancing

Contributor to The Leader
GIOVANINA VANCHERI Special to The Leader With everyone moving toward social distancing and businesses everywhere closing their doors, it can be pretty difficult to support restaurants and stores around your community.  Supporting small businesses is important to me, (it is quite literally the foundation of my blog), but it is......

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