The Leader


Life & Arts

Black Student Union annual Fashion Show canceled

Contributor to The Leader
MARCIA HUNT Special to The Leader  In the midst of SUNY Fredonia’s switch to distance learning, several campus events were canceled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. One of these highly anticipated events was Black Student Union’s (BSU) annual fashion show, which faced cancellation just two weeks before it......
Life & Arts

Interviews with some of Fredonia’s art community: “We are born into times we can handle”

Contributor to The Leader
MARCIA HUNT Special to The Leader  SUNY Fredonia has officially switched to distance learning as New Yorkers find themselves practicing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The complete switch to online classes has been particularly stressful for performing arts majors, who find that several of their hands-on classes......

Do you think the Campus Cryptic graffiti is something that the campus should be filing criminal charges over?

Contributor to The Leader
Emmett Mallory, freshman animation and illustration major “I have no opinion.” Keegan Herriman, sophomore graphic design major “I don’t think Campus Cryptic should be charged because the stairwells are ugly anyways, and they were just trying to make them better. And nothing bad was put up there — it was......
Life & Arts

Enactus and Professor Ted Sharon present the grand opening of The Art Market

Contributor to The Leader
JESSICA MEDITZ Life & Arts Editor In the midst of the hype surrounding Fredonia’s victory in the Small Business Revolution, another local business is on the rise. Fredonia Enactus and professor of the theatre and dance department, Ted Sharon, have collaborated to develop the up-and-coming business, The Art Market. The......

Thank God our university is spending time on the real issues, like charging Campus Cryptic

Contributor to The Leader
JOSEPH MARCINIAK Scallion Editor After a recent announcement from Campus Cryptic on their Instagram page, students are now aware that the school is pressing charges against Campus Cryptic for graffiti on a wall in the Rockefeller Arts Center. Let us here at the Scallion be the first to say, thank......

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