The Leader

Campus News


Women’s soccer features veterans and “game changers” for upcoming season

Contributor to The Leader
MORGAN MARSHALL Special to The Leader   On the Wednesday before classes, the Fredonia women’s soccer team’s preseason began. The 2016 team roster has a total of 20 athletes for the current season. The Blue Devils will return with eight players that saw significant minutes last season, a new freshman......

From the Desk of Colin Perry, Editor in Chief: A new year, a new Leader

Contributor to The Leader
I like to joke that I entered college with a major in English because I wanted some book recommendations. As it turns out, I ended up adding a second major as a sophomore in journalism, which I suppose must be because I love having conversations. The issue of The Leader......

Fredonia changes official mascot: Sports teams to be addressed as the Harambe State Harambes

Contributor to The Leader
RICK HARRISON Staff Lampoonist   Rick Harrison here, reporting from my pawn shop. In order to pay tribute to the late Harambe, a gorilla who was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo in May, the athletics program will be changing its name and logo. The announcement came from Athletic Director Greg......

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