The Leader

Campus News


Fredonia and the Goo Goo Dolls HAIL! Fredonia Records and Voices for Autism prepare for ‘Not so Different’

Contributor to The Leader
CAMRY DEAN Staff Writer   Coordinator of the Fredonia music industry program and award-winning producer Armand Petri brought together three big names in music to bring awareness to autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) during World Autism Awareness Month this April. Solo artist Cassandra Kubinski, Fredonia alumna Mary Ramsey of......
Life & Arts

‘Fredonia is what made this art possible’ Alumni from 2012 work together to release album

Contributor to The Leader
CLAIRE O’REILLY Staff Writer   For college students, wondering about what they are going to do when they get out of the safe bubble of the Fredonia campus seems to be a common source of anxiety. “Can I really go after my dreams?” is a big question most students may......
Life & Arts

‘The craziest show this year’ Made Violent takes BJ’s with Sixties Future and Feverbox

Contributor to The Leader
TORIN O’BRIEN Special to The Leader   Anarchy. This might be a stretch in describing last Thursday night at BJ’s — but it’s close. The bedlam that ensued during the live performances had bouncers scrambling through mosh pits and crowd-surfing patrons. The show was sweaty; it was loud, and it......
Life & Arts

Gaining perspective at Kasia Coffee Clubs cosponsor exhibit showcasing student work

SHENECA SHARPE Staff Writer   Art Forum and Illustration Club held their first art exhibit recently at Kasia Coffee. This exhibit was meant to show the community of Fredonia the hard work that Fredonia students put in this semester. The exhibit had a variety of art to show: illustration, photography,......
Life & Arts

Laine, Lombardo and Ramsey come to Fredonia Songwriters night a success

KRIS HARRIS Special to The Leader   This past Tuesday students, faculty and community members alike were treated to a night of storytelling and true musicianship. The music industry program presented Songwriters Night, featuring the likes of several esteemed musicians. The first group highlighted was John Lombardo and Mary Ramsey,......
Life & Arts

Keeping dancers — and the audience — on their toes Fredonia Dance Ensemble puts on show seven months in the making

AMBER MATTICE Assistant Reverb editor   The lights dimmed and soft, whimsical music filled the Marvel Theatre on the night of April 8. The audience members were immediately engrossed in the performance before them, although they had no idea what was in store. Fredonia Dance Ensemble had been preparing for......

The dangers of being sarcastic after college Man shot, but he sort of asked for it

Contributor to The Leader
TRAVIS LEFEVRE Assistant Lampoon Editor   In a dramatic turn of events, a man was shot in his shoulder after a conflict in a bar. The victim, 22-year-old Jason Daville, was described as “sarcastic and had it comin’.” Old Main Inn, a popular watering hole in Fredonia, saw a heavy......

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