The Leader

Campus News


‘Stick with it!’ Panel encourages women to stay strong in STEM fields

SHENECA SHARPE Staff Writer   Women’s Student Union, in conjunction with Latinos Unidos, presented “Gender and Racial Inequalities in STEM,” a panel and presentation about what women face in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. The presentation was hosted by Patricia Valoy, a Columbia University graduate with a......

Fredonia Springs ahead with change Seitz and Karafa join Fredonia administration

JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   As the lopsided weather begins to change again, so will Fredonia’s campus — more specifically within the administration. Before Summer, two positions that had previously sat empty will be filled. A few weeks before the Spring equinox, on March 7, Kevin Seitz started his first......

Dear students: Speak up! The League of Women Voters helps celebrate Women’s Herstory Month

CAMRY DEAN Special to The Leader   As election season unfolds, Women’s Herstory Month continues. Last Wednesday with a presentation by the League of Women Voters, those in attendance learned importance of voting and political campus engagement. With over 50 local Leagues across New York State, the organization has been......

Spectrum Spring Concert to go ‘All Night Longer’ Sammy Adams announced as headliner

Contributor to The Leader
CHARLES PRITCHARD Staff Writer   With FREDFest no longer on the table, Spectrum has gone to great lengths to bring some end-of-the-year entertainment to Fredonia. Do the songs “All Night Longer” or “L.A. Story” ring a bell? “We used to do FREDFest, which consisted of … outdoor activities,” President of......
Life & Arts

‘Watching God’ in Reed Library Fredonia senior adapts novel to play

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=6062] MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   On the night of March 10, the back of Reed Library, towards the Japanese gardens, was transformed into a theater. Trees, leaves and other scene setters were projected onto a screen at house left. The library’s seats were arranged into rows, four deep,......

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