The Leader

Campus News


Editorial: Illuminating the City of Lights

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“Murderous mayhem,” is what USA TODAY called the terrorist attacks that took place in Paris on Nov. 13. Stating that there are 132 people dead with hundreds more injured, the use of the phrase seems accurate. Here’s the publication’s quick rundown of what happened:   “Three teams of terrorists carried......
Life & Arts

Web Exclusive: Getting excited for ‘Dancing with the Athletes’

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[metaslider id=4697] CURTIS HENRY Distribution Manager   This Sunday the Fredonia Student Dance Organization will be putting on the annual “Dancing with the Athletes” competition. The competition is set up in a format similar to ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.” Students who are majors in dance or specialize in dance......

Web Exclusive: Casey Springer: A conversation with a student veteran

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AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   Meet Casey Springer, a senior social work major. A lot of people have things about them that make them stick out from the rest, but Springer is of a very small minority on the Fredonia campus. From 2008-2011, Springer served in the United States Air......

Fredonia celebrates National Smoke-Out Day Has the tobacco-free policy negatively impacted the environment?

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CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   On Nov. 12, Fredonia will be celebrating National Smoke-Out Day in honor of the second anniversary of Fredonia’s Tobacco-Free policy. The Student Health and Counseling Center will be setting up tables with information to help inform students of the dangers of smoking. Fredonia’s Tobacco Free......

Is Fredonia prepared for an emergency situation? An inside look at the university’s plan

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  AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   Two weeks ago, Jamestown Community College experienced a potential emergency situation. Around 2 p.m., a threatening phone call was made to the JCC switchboard. The caller stated that an active shooter was on the way to the campus. The college immediately went into lock-out......

Eighth-graders have PhUn in the Science Center Dunkirk Middle Schools visits the campus for a Physiology PhUn Day

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  COLIN PERRY Assistant News Editor They came, they saw, they touched a dead shark’s brain. Nearly 100 eighth-grade students from Dunkirk Middle School visited the Science Center last Friday as a part of the second annual series of Physiology PhUn Days, sponsored by Fredonia’s Biology Department. A second group......

Behind the scenes of class registration The Course Scheduling Task Force works to make

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JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer The Fredonia campus can take a deep breath now, as advising week has passed. With confusion and stress in their minds, students look to their advisers for assistance. While hoping to get the most of their education in a timely manner, that is not what always......
Life & Arts

‘Realism to surrealism and fantasy to reality’ ‘Six Characters in Search of an Author’ opens in Bartlett Theatre

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=4489] CARLY KNASZAK Assistant Reverb Editor     Have you ever thought about what would happen if fictional characters came to life and demanded for an author to finish their story? Look no further because Fredonia’s Department of Theatre and Dance will be continuing “Six Characters in Search of......
Life & Arts

Preparing for Battle of the New Bands Music Industry club gets ready to present new talent and familiar faces

Contributor to The Leader
  VALERIE MUSSON Special to The Leader   Students who are always on the lookout for the newest local music will get the ultimate chance to sample some of Fredonia’s finest musicians this Thursday at the Battle of the New Bands in the Williams Center MPR. This annual event, coordinated......

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