The Leader

Campus News


A shadowcast-less ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Live-action aspect of the film screening gets canceled

COLIN PERRY Assistant News Editor Fans of the annual “Rocky Horror Picture Show” shadowcast screening may have to do the Time Warp themselves if they want to see it this year, as Pride Alliance has announced the cancellation of the live-action portion of the event. For the last three years,......

Student’s 40-page proposal turns into reality Campus garden to be developed behind Science Center greenhouse

  CHARLES PRITCHARD Staff Writer   It took two years of work. It was proposed many, many times by different people. But time and again, it was turned down. Finally, though, a garden is coming to Fredonia and the student who spearheaded the event couldn’t be happier. Zachary Beaudoin is......

What is the Fredonia Technology Incubator? Open house enlightens community members

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   On Oct. 21, the Fredonia Technology Incubator held its second open house, welcoming members of the community into the incubator to see what the technology incubator is and what it does. “The purpose of the incubator is to facilitate the growth of startups and small......

Fredonia administrators cancel Halloween for new annual event, ‘DredFest’

Contributor to The Leader
RILEY STRAW Lampoon Editor   Though the event formerly known as “FredFest” has been cancelled, campus officials seek to incorporate the student body into the campus community through other fun activities. This year, for the first time, Fredonia presents “DredFest,” an on-campus substitute for Halloween. “We see a lot of......
Life & Arts

Girl power Women’s Student Union hosts Women, Rock and Soul

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=4106] MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   On Oct. 21, Women’s Student Union held its annual Women, Rock and Soul event. This year’s event theme was “I Stand With Planned Parenthood.” It included an informational speech by a Planned Parenthood educator, framed by poetry and musical performances by many of......
Life & Arts

Branching out with passion and music Divine Sound Gospel Choir holds event in MPR for the first time

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=4194] REBECCA HALE Reverb Editor   On Sunday evening, the Multipurpose Room (MPR) was filled with spirituality and warmth as Fredonia’s own Divine Sound Gospel Choir performed with special guests, the Buffalo State Spirit Gospel Choir. Though few were in attendance, the students present experienced not only an evening......

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