The Leader

Campus News


FTDO: Ryli Chmiel Hidden Wonder of Fredonia: The Career Development Office

Contributor to The Leader
Did you go to college so you could have a great job when you graduate? Well, did you know that the sole purpose of the Career Development Office (CDO) is to help you reach that goal? I’m not a spokesperson or an employee of the CDO, so it’s not like......
Life & Arts

The Marx Brothers take over Reed Library

VERONICA PENOYER Layout Editor Freedonia Marxonia, a film festival and art symposium dedicated to celebrating the Marx brothers’ contribution to American culture, started last Thursday. This celebration began as a way to show the connection between Fredonia and “Freedonia,” the setting of the Marx Brothers’ film, “Duck Soup.” The Marx......
Life & Arts

Frostie Mocha and JP Makerquake for the win Contestants own the stage in Fall Dragapalooza

NAOMI LYNCH Social Media Manager   “Fredonia! Let me hear you make some noise!” Kimmi Moore screamed into the microphone as the packed Williams Center Multi-Purpose Room roared in response. Last Friday, Pride Alliance held its Fall 2015 Drag Show: Dragapalooza, hosted by Moore, 2013 Drag Queen winner and Fredonia......

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