The Leader

Campus News

Life & Arts

Cleaning up your act: Kevin Deshazo advises Fredonia athletes on good social media practices

Contributor to The Leader
NAOMI LYNCH Social Media Manager On March 23, Bloomsburg University’s first baseman Joey Cassleberry was kicked off the team after tweeting some not-so-nice remarks about Mo’ne Davis, the 14-year old Little League prodigy, according to This is a prime example of the misuse of social media. These gaffes affect......

How to get “free money” Workshops aim to help students apply for study abroad scholarships

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer For the first time ever, the Office of International Education is holding its a series of workshops aimed at helping Fredonia students apply for study abroad programs, and more specifically, at applying for the Gilman Scholarship. The first workshop was September 4 at 3 , and......

Goodbye, “drunk bus” The Campus and Community Bus has stopped running after 11 p.m.

Contributor to The Leader
COLIN PERRY Special to The Leader It’s a Friday night in downtown Fredonia, when some students begin their weekend at one or more of the many bars the village has to offer. For the most part, nothing has really changed from last semester, with one big exception. The crowds of......

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