The Leader

Campus News


Fredonia’s management team will have to make one of their toughest decisions yet

Contributor to The Leader
VICTOR SCHMITT-BUSH Assistant News Editor   With a structural deficit of $12.3 million dollars, the campus’ management team is doing its best to preserve the integrity and quality of higher education here at Fredonia. But the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been. Sacrifices will have to be made, and......
Life & Arts

Making a difference through music: ‘It’s On Us’ concert brings awareness to sexual violence

Contributor to The Leader
ERIKETA COST Special to The Leader   Bringing the community together with music is one way to start a conversation about sexual assault. Fredonia’s musical fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha, and STEPs (Students Teaching Equals Positive Sexuality) held their “It’s On Us” concert last Friday. A capella groups, jazz groups and......
Life & Arts

‘He was one of the greatest musicians who had a lot of love for his craft of drumming’ : In memory of Bernard Woma

Contributor to The Leader
ELYSE GRIECO Assistant Life & Arts Editor   On April 27, 2018, the Fredonia community lost a teacher, friend and amazingly talented musician. Bernard Woma was only 51 years old when he lost his battle to cancer. Woma hailed from Hiineteng, a village located in Northwestern Ghana. By the age......

‘ . . . Manny is such a strong staple in [this] community’s life . . . ’: Greek life unites, fundraises for the Escobar family

Contributor to The Leader
  JASON CHEUNG Web Editor   Fredonia’s Greek life came together during the week of April 23, as the Inter Greek Council (IGC) raised approximately $3,200 for Manny Escobar’s family. Every spring semester, IGC comes together to participate in a series of events, as well as to fundraise for people......

‘We need to simply reach out. That’s the one most important, most powerful message of that film.’: A recap of ‘Suicide: A Ripple Effect’

VICTOR SCHMITT-BUSH and ALEXANDRIA SMITH Assistant News Editor and Special to The Leader   Approximately 99 percent of people who jump off the Golden Gate bridge don’t make it. Over the course of 80 years, more than 2,000 people have jumped off of the bridge — only 36 people have......

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