The Leader

Campus News


‘Coach is someone who cares about your complete overall success, not just your on-ice success’: 30 years later: Men’s Ice Hockey Coach Jeff Meredith’s legacy

Contributor to The Leader
ANGELINA DOHRE Photo Editor   When walking into Fredonia head hockey coach Jeff Meredith’s office, two walls immediately stand out. One is scattered with coaching awards gathered from 30 years at Fredonia, and the other is covered with photos of families of past hockey players. These walls represent Meredith’s two......

‘Everything and anything is possible through hard work’: A profile of Phil Seymore, Fredonia’s head coach of men’s basketball

DERECK ICE Special to The Leader   As you step foot inside Coach Phil Seymore’s office, something that will immediately grab your attention is his large award from Canisius College that he received for earning all-conference and all-region honors his senior basketball season. You will see many basketball trophies and......

‘. . . she was pretty much unstoppable’: Jenna Einink, junior basketball player, reaches 1,000 points

CHELSEA BARON Special to The Leader   2,000 may not be a high score in a video game, but it is in basketball. Jenna Einink has celebrated reaching 1,000 points in both her high school and college careers. Ken Ricker, Einink’s basketball coach from the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), was......

‘Softball became my entire life. It was able to get me through the toughest times in life’: A profile of Eva FitzSimmons, freshman softball player

CASSIDY HERMAN Special to The Leader   Eva FitzSimmons, a freshman from Rochester, N.Y., has begun her first softball season at SUNY Fredonia. FitzSimmons came to Fredonia with 15 years of softball experience under her belt. Throughout her 15 years, she played shortstop, third and first base. Never once did......
Life & Arts

‘I love the idea of growth mindset over fixed mindset’: A profile of Sarah Green: English professor, poet and musician

Contributor to The Leader
  ERIKETA COST   Special to the Leader   Sarah Green’s love for poetry dates back to a high school science class assignment to draw the position of the sun every morning. The point was to understand that the sun is always moving across the sky, even though it seems......

‘I think, more than love, I realized I needed literature’: A PROFILE OF DR. ICLAL VANWESENBEECK, ENGLISH PROFESSOR

ALEXANDRIA SMITH Special to The Leader   She found the connections between myths and reality, traveled the world and has hosted a number of events. All the while, she was and remains a literature professor here at Fredonia. This adventurous life belongs to Dr. Iclal Vanwesenbeeck. Life, for her, began......
Life & Arts

‘I was always a reader …’: Professor Eric Schlich shares his journey with writing

ELYSE GRIECO Assistant Life & Arts Editor   Every year, the University of North Texas holds its annual Katherine Anne Porter Prize competition, a writing competition that awards one writer with the opportunity to publish one of their books. Writers from all across the country enter this competition, and this......

‘Society constantly tells us the that we do not fit its idea of beautiful, so we’re ignoring that and are owning our hair’: Student Sheneca Sharpe starts ‘Under this Bonnet’ club

VICTOR SCHMITT-BUSH Assistant News Editor Creating and managing a club is no easy task. It takes a lot of effort just to get it started. The Student Association must approve the idea for the club, and that takes paperwork, presentations and all sorts of other preparations that are necessary to......

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