The Leader



Local student committed to doing essay after five more minutes of video game

Contributor to The Leader
COREY DALE-MILLER Guest Scallywag Neva S. Tapp, a sophomore communication major who had not yet started his English class essay, was last seen playing “Borderlands 3” alone on his couch. When The Scallion inquired about Tapp’s intention to finish his schoolwork, Tapp noted that “Borderlands 3″ had only just come......

When science becomes more important than a strike

Contributor to The Leader
ANNA GAGLIANO Special to The Leader Last Friday, a Climate Teach-In was held by the Climate Education Initiative, or CEI, at Fredonia and led by their representative Julia Wilson. On this same day, millions of students all over the world participated in the Global Climate Strike. Students, faculty, and even......

A change in Fredonia’s M.S. in biology promises to take the school to new heights

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AIDAN POLLARD News Editor Fredonia has shortened the path to the M.S. degree in biology, and some students think it could help put the school on the map. “I think it’s definitely a good idea, just for financial reasons,” said Jacob Traverse, a junior molecular genetics major. “Our bio program......

Commencement speaker announced: Shaun Nelms to point grads toward the future

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Every year, a new set of Fredonia graduates set off on a new journey into adulthood and professional careers. With this new adventure comes new obstacles, new responsibilities and, more than likely, more work. With this new and scary endeavour in mind, it is the Commencement speaker’s duty and privilege......

Getting ready to move on: Jen Kershner and Sam Spiess

Contributor to The Leader
KATIE MILLER Special to The Leader It’s safe to say the Fredonia women’s lacrosse team is extremely comfortable with one another. The sole seniors on the team, Jen Kershner and Sam Spiess, discussed moving on from Fredonia last Friday morning inside of Starbucks on campus. A few minutes into the......

Fredonia calls on Governor Cuomo to address disproportionate state funding

Contributor to The Leader
JOSH RANNEY News Editor   The Student Association is joining other Fredonia governing bodies in standing up to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to push him to close the TAP Gap. SA is looking to make this statement regarding state funding for public universities following the University Faculty Senate,......

FRS wins no new awards,members remain motivated

Contributor to The Leader
  ALEXANDRIA NIEVES Special to The Leader   Fredonia Radio Systems sent 12 members to New York City over the weekend of March 1-3 after the station received eight nominations from the International Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Conference. Senior history major Haley Carmon, the staff representative of FRS, went to the......

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