The Leader



Groundbreaking: the campus garden The first steps in growing the Fredonia Grove

[metaslider id=6544] JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   The sun slowly faded into the horizon around 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday night, but in the morning there would be one more garden waiting for its return. A few students played catch with a football in the distance, and some just simply walked......

Randy’s still rockin’: McEwen custodian battles cancer but won’t be beaten

CAMRY DEAN Staff Writer   Sitting across from McEwen Hall custodian Randy Goodemote is like sitting across from a rock star.             On Dec. 30 of last year, Goodemote received, what should’ve been, the worst news of his life. Except, it wasn’t. Before Thanksgiving last year, Goodemote started having trouble......

Rockefeller renovations part 2: inside TADA’s fight for growth

Contributor to The Leader
REBECCA HALE Reverb Co-Editor   The Rockefeller Arts Center (RAC) project promises big changes for students at Fredonia but also some difficulties as the Department of Theatre and Dance adjusts to its new space. The RAC project, upon its completion, will allow the Department of Theatre and Dance to add......

Topping the trucks with trash Time Warner, Sunnking and Cathy Young team up for e-recycling

JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer Fredonia and company are looking to save a piece of the environment while giving a little back to the students. The University will play host to an e-recycling event on campus. In collaboration with Time Warner Cable, Senator Catherine Young and Sunnking, Fredonia is welcoming the......

When a hearing is failed Senior music major arrested for emotional breakdown

Contributor to The Leader
RAVIOLI Staff Lampoonist   It’s that time of the year again for the beloved music majors. Thousands of hours of practicing, sleepless nights and steady diets of Starbucks and … whatever else they have time for … culminates into brilliant recitals and temporary imaginary relief from the year’s stresses.    ......

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