The Leader



Mark Twain’s hidden Fredonia history Award-winning journalist Sean Kirst returns to alma mater

JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer   From April 7-9, Fredonia’s alumni-in-residence series “Writers@Work” continued its successful run with award-winning Syracuse Post-Standard columnist Sean Kirst visiting a number of classes and hosting three events for students, faculty and interested community members. “This man has been a journalist for a very long time,”......

Fredonia and the Goo Goo Dolls HAIL! Fredonia Records and Voices for Autism prepare for ‘Not so Different’

Contributor to The Leader
CAMRY DEAN Staff Writer   Coordinator of the Fredonia music industry program and award-winning producer Armand Petri brought together three big names in music to bring awareness to autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) during World Autism Awareness Month this April. Solo artist Cassandra Kubinski, Fredonia alumna Mary Ramsey of......
Life & Arts

Laine, Lombardo and Ramsey come to Fredonia Songwriters night a success

KRIS HARRIS Special to The Leader   This past Tuesday students, faculty and community members alike were treated to a night of storytelling and true musicianship. The music industry program presented Songwriters Night, featuring the likes of several esteemed musicians. The first group highlighted was John Lombardo and Mary Ramsey,......

The new 17-meals-per-week plan FSA to offer lower point plans with more meals

CONNOR HOFFMAN Assistant News Editor The Faculty Student Association (FSA) has decided to make several changes to student meal plans for next year in order to deal with inflation and decreasing enrollment. Darin Schulz, the executive director of FSA, explained that FSA’s financial situation this has had an effect on......

Enrollment down, tuition to go up, Fredonia to keep fighting Fredonia stays optimistic about admissions efforts

JAMES LILLIN Special to The Leader Fredonia is currently stuck in the middle of a statewide collegiate crisis, where flagging enrollment is resulting in slashed budgets, thinned services and fired faculty. Over the past few years, enrollment at Fredonia has decreased by around 20 percent, according to Admissions, resulting in......
Life & Arts

Being ‘professional with professionals’ WYNCO/Women’s Choir collaboration delights on all fronts

Contributor to The Leader
EMMA SCHAIBLE Special to The Leader   Inside the immaculate King Concert Hall, the audience was surrounded by the peaceful and splendid musical sound of orchestra and choir. On a snowy April afternoon, the Western New York Chamber Orchestra’s (WNYCO) “Chords and Cords” concert, conducted by Glen Cortese, seemed as......

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