The Leader



‘Otherizing’ or inclusivity? New mandatory survey asks gender identity, sexual orientation

  COLIN PERRY News Editor   Every student at Fredonia begins each semester by filling out surveys proctored by the administration — usually something as simple as checking a box or confirming that, yes, you are actually attending college. New this semester is another survey students must fill out, one......

The administration cheat sheet Who to talk to and where to find them

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   As a new semester begins, returning students and those new to the Fredonia campus alike are bound to have plenty of questions: Why don’t I have a meal plan? Am I a junior or a senior? And where in the world do I pay all......
Life & Arts

This semester in Fred Theater

  MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   For the 2016 Spring semester, Fredonia’s theater department will be staging an innovative pairing of two companion pieces written by the Tectonic Theater Company: “The Laramie Project” and “The Laramie Project: 10 years later.” “The Laramie Project,” which is required reading for many English......
Life & Arts

This semester in the School of Music

Contributor to The Leader
  Staff Report   As Fredonia buckles down for the Spring semester, students can be happy knowing there are some treats from the music department on the way. After hits from last semester like the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra’s “An Evening Ella and Ellington” and the Shanghai Quartet, some might think......
Life & Arts

Fredonia weighs in on ‘#oscarssowhite’ Oscar nominations lack diversity for second year in a row

Contributor to The Leader
RIANNA SEELIG Staff Writer   The 2016 Oscar nominations were announced Jan. 14, 2016 at 5:30 a.m. PST — an event that is often highly anticipated and excitedly received. Unfortunately, reactions were rather negative by viewers and celebrities alike. There has always been a certain profundity and prestige to Oscar......

The ‘multi-faceted’ situation in Europe Panel of professors discusses ISIS

COLIN PERRY Assistant News Editor   What is ISIS? What do recent terror attacks have to do with World War II? And is there really an immigration crisis happening in Europe? These questions and more were answered last Wednesday at “ISIS Terror in Europe: Perspectives on The Islamic State, Migration......

Food quality, options and prices on the agenda FSA holds student focus group to address online petition

AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   Ask and you shall receive. The Faculty Student Association met on Monday to address the concerns about the food services on campus. The issues came to light after an online petition titled “FSA: Change the food quality at Fredonia” started circulating amongst students on social......

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