The Leader



The unhappy ‘S’ in FSA: Students and union workers speak on Tim Hortons and other FSA working conditions

AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   When provided the opportunity to speak up about the working conditions at FSA, students and union workers alike took the chance to speak freely about their experiences working for the campus organization. FSA, or the Faculty Student Association, is the office on campus in charge......

Making old new again: Newest Brown Bag to discuss digital innovations

JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   Technology undoubtedly has a short shelf life, with new advancements happening on a regular basis. But sometimes older technology makes a mainstream resurgence. Today the Brown Bag Lecture Series returns to showcase this phenomenon with guest speakers explaining the return of older media. The theme......

Teamwork for charity Dancing with the Athletes raises money for Moving Miracles

Contributor to The Leader
CURTIS HENRY Distribution Manager   Cliques. There is such a negative stigma surrounding the word, “clique.” Everyone associates the word as being high-school-oriented. The jocks. The nerds. The band kids. The outcasts. The fact remains that cliques exist, even after high school. However, the word doesn’t deserve the negative connotation......

Bioengineered water-type Pokémon to replace orcas: Lapras, Gyarados and Blastoise to be featured in new SeaWorld exhibit

Contributor to The Leader
PHYLLIS T. CUPP Lampoonist   A sigh of relief fell over moral Americans when SeaWorld announced it would be releasing its captive killer whales back into the wild last week. Since the release of the documentary “Blackfish,” SeaWorld has had a difficult time rationalizing the murders of several of its......
Life & Arts

Advice from ‘Family Guy’ and ‘James Bond’ composers: Ethos presents Lee Sanders and DJ Brady

Contributor to The Leader
CARLY KNASZAK Assistant Reverb Editor     When someone puts in a DVD, he or she automatically wants to skip through the trailers and get right to the movie. But, everyone is forced to stop and watch the SONY Pictures logo and accompanying theme music everyone is familiar with. That......

Diversity in a small town First International Dinner raises money for international students

Contributor to The Leader
  COLIN PERRY Assistant News Editor International Education Week concludes on Nov. 19 with singing, dancing and every college student’s favorite: a whole lot of food. The first International Dinner will be held in the Williams Center Multipurpose Room to benefit scholarship funds for Fredonia’s international students. The event is......

Commercial controversy University takes down ads after negative feedback

Contributor to The Leader
  JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   Fredonia campus was left with unanswered questions after the recently released commercials that appeared on the university’s website seemingly vanished into thin air. Last week, Fredonia unveiled four new advertisements that were available for viewing on the college’s homepage and YouTube. After only a......

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