The Leader



Sustainable fashion? Sustainability Committee to host Adam Rome

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   Today at 4 p.m., Fredonia will be hosting author Adam Rome in the Kelly Family Auditorium in the Science Center. This event is hosted by Fredonia’s Sustainability Committee. The speech is called, “Fashion Forward? The Environmental History of Style from Beaver Hats to iPhones.” Rome......
Life & Arts

An evening with Leung and De Cock Violinist and pianist provide a night of music

Contributor to The Leader
RIANNA SEELIG Special to the Leader   This past Wednesday evening, Rosch Recital Hall was filled with a vast array of individuals eager to hear the critically-auded violinist and conductor David Leung and the awe-inspiring pianist Stijn De Cock. The two performed a total of four pieces: “12 Variations on......

Scientist impressed with College Lodge forest

Contributor to The Leader
COLIN PERRY Staff Writer Many students know about the College Lodge, just a few miles away from campus, but most of them would never guess just how valuable the forest surrounding it is. This is what brought Joan Maloof to Fredonia last week to call for its preservation. Maloof is......
Life & Arts

Classical music beyond the Classical Era National Classical Music Month celebrates all eras

Contributor to The Leader
RIANNA SEELIG Special to The Leader September is National Classical Music Month. However, the celebration is not limited to music composed in the late 1700s and early 1800s — it’s open to all music from Medieval to Romantic and beyond. To celebrate, a handful of faculty members — and one......
Life & Arts

“A Strangeness in My Mind” Iclal Vanwesenbeeck and World Literature Today

Contributor to The Leader
MARIA MELCHIORRE Special to The Leader “Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık,” or “A Strangeness in My Mind,” is the latest novel by Turkish Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk. Iclal Vanwesenbeeck, Associate Professor of English Literature, recently had the opportunity to review the novel for the academic journal, World Literature Today. Vanwesenbeeck — who......

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