The Leader



Meat-free Fredonia Fredonia eliminates all meat products after WHO report

Contributor to The Leader
EMMO Staff Lampoonist   Recently the World Health Organization announced that processed meat is classified as a carcinogen on par with tobacco use. This news has raised major health concerns nationwide. While the rest of the United States is still figuring out how to handle the issue, Fredonia has reacted......

Two non-conference losses motivate Blue Devils for SUNYAC playoffs Fredonia women’s volleyball plays NYU and SIT

ANDREW RICHARDSON Special to The Leader   After starting the New York State Challenge with a 2-0 record on Friday, the Fredonia women’s volleyball team proceeded to lose 0-3 against New York University and then later in the day fall 0-3 to Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT). The first game......

Conservative Corner: The first Democratic Debate

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   The Democrats held their first presidential debate on Oct. 13, hosted by Facebook and CNN. And, oh boy, was it apparent that none of them have any real solutions to the problems our country is facing. Senator Marco Rubio, one of the Republican candidates running,......

Student’s 40-page proposal turns into reality Campus garden to be developed behind Science Center greenhouse

  CHARLES PRITCHARD Staff Writer   It took two years of work. It was proposed many, many times by different people. But time and again, it was turned down. Finally, though, a garden is coming to Fredonia and the student who spearheaded the event couldn’t be happier. Zachary Beaudoin is......

What is the Fredonia Technology Incubator? Open house enlightens community members

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   On Oct. 21, the Fredonia Technology Incubator held its second open house, welcoming members of the community into the incubator to see what the technology incubator is and what it does. “The purpose of the incubator is to facilitate the growth of startups and small......
Life & Arts

Girl power Women’s Student Union hosts Women, Rock and Soul

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=4106] MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   On Oct. 21, Women’s Student Union held its annual Women, Rock and Soul event. This year’s event theme was “I Stand With Planned Parenthood.” It included an informational speech by a Planned Parenthood educator, framed by poetry and musical performances by many of......

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