The Leader



Cosmic transformation talk draws in large turnout

ANGELINA DOHRE Photo Editor   Students, faculty and community members gathered for last week’s Brown Bag Lecture series. Dr. Neal Evans from the University of Texas at Austin presented “Extraterritorial Life: A Scientific Inquiry.” He focused on cosmic transformation and the scientific explanation of life beyond Earth. Opening remarks were......

Fredonia professor receives international recognition

  VICTOR SCHMITT-BUSH Assistant News Editor     The issue of plastic pollution is starting to be taken seriously, and it’s partly thanks to Sherri Mason, the chair of Fredonia’s Geology and Environmental Sciences department. As an affiliate of Orb Media, the non-profit activist organization against plastic pollution, Mason was......
Life & Arts

Sigma Tau Delta: Linking education with community

Contributor to The Leader
MOLLY VANDENBERG Staff Writer   On March 30, Sigma Tau Delta hosted an open mic night at the 21 East Bookstore in Dunkirk. The bookstore is almost hidden in a brick building on East Second Street. However, once inside, you’ll notice the store is open and inviting with comfy chairs......
Life & Arts

Kaleidoscope Series returns, brings laughs to Marvel Theatre: SMIRK! Jokesters of Juggling and Kings of Chaos visits Fredonia

Contributor to The Leader
MOLLY VANDENBERG Staff Writer   Many say that vaudeville-style comedy is dying, but it’s still integrated in some parts of American comedy. It will always leave a lasting impact on our culture and the work we see from comedians in this day and age. SMIRK, consisting of Reid Belstock and......

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