The Leader



Pesky politics: How the Kershnar situation became an online political battleground

Contributor to The Leader
CASEY HUBER Special to The Leader  Philosophy professor Stephen Kershnar has been lambasted by many, but for varying reasons. His views on pedophilia are being lumped together with his political ideology, but you will get different perspectives on what exactly Kershnar believes depending on where you go. Twitter is a......

MLB moves All-Star Game from Georgia after voter suppression law passed

Contributor to The Leader
SOBAN FAISAL Special to The Leader Major League Baseball has moved the 2021 All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver. The move occurs roughly one week after the passing of S.B. 202 in Georgia. This law perpetuates voter suppression by altering voting rules, targeting the voting rights of minority citizens, specifically......

Should athletes use their platform to speak on social issues?

Contributor to The Leader
JEREMY ERMAN Special to The Leader Today, more than ever, athletes are seen as more than just someone who plays a sport. Half a century ago, athletes starring in movies and speaking on social justice was rare, and in some cases, taboo. Kareem Abdul Jabbar starred in “Airplane” in 1980,......

Fredonia students react to Donald Trump’s impeachment acquittal

Contributor to The Leader
TANNER TRUAXSpecial to The Leader Donald Trump handed over the constitutional reins to Joe Biden in January, effectively ending one of the most controversial presidential elections in American history. He spent weeks after election night claiming his presidential win was illegally stolen from him, even after several investigations into the......
Life & Arts

How you can stay informed and involved post-election

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Staff Writer  On Thursday, Nov. 12, the American Democracy Project hosted their final event of the semester. Featuring a diverse set of panelists, the ADP hoped to provide students with multiple resources and ways to stay involved with politics after the election.  The panelists included Dr. James Hurtgen,......
Life & Arts

#BeTheChangeInClimateChange: Recognizing how the presidential election will affect climate change

Contributor to The Leader
JORDAN CAHILL, SARAH MAYFIELD, JUSTIN COHAN and JOE CASEY Specials to The Leader Climate change is a worldwide issue that will affect all of us more and more in the coming decades. According to the NASA Earth Observatory, 2019 was the second hottest year on record. While the Earth has......
Life & Arts

An album review of “POTUS,” written and performed by David W. Jacobson

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Special to The Leader The term “POTUS” is an acronym for “President of the United States,” a fitting title for David W. Jacobson’s presidential perspective-themed album. Jacobson’s album highlights many of the lesser-known U.S. presidents and presents each song as a first-person narrative from that president.  The album,......

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