The Leader



Students rally in support of immigrants and the LGBTQ+ amidst recent executive orders

Contributor to The Leader
ABIGAIL JACOBSON News Editor ALEX BUCKNAM Asst. News Editor Warning: This article contains strong language. With the recent wave of executive orders being signed into law by President Donald Trump, many communities around the United States have been protesting. As of Feb. 7, the SUNY Fredonia campus community is one......

Ice hockey diplomacy: Fredonia faces Chinese National Team

Contributor to The Leader
MATT VOLZ Sports Editor In international hockey, some countries are known as powerhouses. Canada is perhaps best known for the sport, but they’re often challenged by the United States, Sweden, Russia, Finland and occasionally some others. But who knew that China played the game as well? On Friday, Jan. 24,......
Life & Arts

Why is Greek Life initiation so controversial?

Contributor to The Leader
DAN QUAGLIANA News Editor Depending on who you talk to, Greek Life organizations can seem like they’re the best things or the worst things to join on campus.  Fraternities and sororities have had a polarizing reputation for as long as they’ve been staples at colleges and universities. But how did......

Students For Fredonia plans trip to Albany to speak with legislators

Contributor to The Leader
KRYSTYNA PORTUGUES-KLOS Staff Writer  The capital of New York State is the target for the Students For Fredonia and United University Professions (UUP), where they will go head-to-head with legislators and discuss the program cuts that perplex Fredonia’s student body and faculty.   Four members of the Students for Fredonia (SFF)......

AI: future or failure?

Contributor to The Leader
Photo via Marketing and Communications KRYSTYNA PORTUGUES-KLOS  Special to The Leader The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and different resources that “do the work for you” have become extremely popular with students, artists and professionals alike.  Research and Information Literacy Services Librarian Christina Hilburger of Reed Library believes that AI......
Breaking News

Gallery: Fredonia students and faculty hold protest against program cuts

Contributor to The Leader
SUNY Fredonia students and faculty/staff alike joined forces in a protest this afternoon as a result of proposed program cuts announced yesterday during a “special campus meeting.” The proposed cuts include several arts and humanities programs, including photography, sculpture, philosophy, sociology, Spanish and early childhood education (birth-2), among several other......

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