The Leader



Black Lives Matter: How Fredonia students made it more than a hashtag

Contributor to The Leader
JESSICA MEDITZ– Editor in Chief HAWA TEJAN-COLE– Special to The Leader Chants of “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” echoed through downtown Fredonia on Saturday afternoon. The voices were those of over 150 Fredonia students coming together to stand in solidarity with Black students at......

We want YOU to vote in the 2020 election

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Special to The Leader Nov. 3 marks the date of the 2020 U.S. general election, and students need to vote now more than ever.  SUNY Fredonia has fully equipped its students to get involved and informed.   Fredonia’s own American Democracy Project, chaired by Dr. Angela McGowan-Kirsch, aims to......

The dark side of America: Israel Ortiz’s speech for justice and equality

Contributor to The Leader
ALYSSA BUMP Assistant Life & Arts Editor  ANALYSIS Israel Ortiz, a Fredonia student, is continuing to advocate for Black Lives Matter through his empowering words and actions. Despite the fact that Black Lives Matter is no longer trending on social media, Ortiz understands that this movement is not over.  In......

Fredonia students protest against police brutality

Contributor to The Leader
KATIE LENDA Staff Writer Thousands of college-aged students have been participating in protests nationwide, seeking justice for racial inequality and police reform.  Several Fredonia students are among these protestors and have shared their personal experiences at different protests across the state.  Some of these students include senior Anaiya Smith and......

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