The Leader

Campus News


Trump baffles climate change scientists with tweet asking “Where’s global warming?”

Contributor to The Leader
JOSEPH MARCINIAK Assistant Editor of the Scallion   A recent tweet from President Trump has baffled climate change scientists and brought them into a panic. Climate change scientists have begun questioning everything they thought they knew. The tweet was simple, but effective. President Trump said, “Real cold in the North......

Fredonia athletics celebrates Pink Week

Contributor to The Leader
AIDAN POLLARD Sports Editor   Pink the Rink wasn’t the only pink athletics event happening on campus this week. Alongside the Fredonia-Plattsburgh hockey game on Saturday, the athletics department dedicated the entire week to the cause of fighting breast cancer with a “Pink Week” leading up to the game. Since......

Should students have to audition to get into their desired major?

Contributor to The Leader
DELICIA HOLDER Special to The Leader   Should high schoolers have to audition to get into their desired arts major? Most high schoolers that audition for the arts programs in high school don’t get in and end up having to come in under a different major and re-audition in the......

Introducing the newly elected leaders of the Student Association

Contributor to The Leader
JESSICA SERRANO Special to The Leader   With the change in administration from last semester, new executives are starting their terms in the Student Association. Sophomore political science major, Seth Meyer and sophomore biology and public relations major, Katie Battaglia will stand side by side as President and Vice President.......

Easy-going SA budget week leaves hope for speedy GA Day

Contributor to The Leader
JOSH RANNEY News Editor   This past week wrapped up business for the Student Association’s Budget and Appropriations week. The process, that has a notoriously meticulous reputation, ended with relatively few major changes to the Student Association budget. Student Association Comptroller Jason Cheung said there were really only two areas......

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