The Leader



The spine bridge is falling down McEwen and Williams Center bridge to come down this summer

Contributor to The Leader
      CHARLES PRITCHARD Staff Writer Those with a fear of the spine bridge coming down on them will be happy to know that they won’t have to worry anymore. By next semester, it will be gone. “I really didn’t notice at first, but after taking a good look......

Breaking news – a burrito cover-up: Bridge construction turns out to be grave marker, supposedly

EMMO Staff Lampoonist   It seems these past few semesters that, no matter where you turn on campus, there’s construction going on — Rockefeller, the Science Center and now, the bridge between McEwen and the Williams Center. You may ask yourself, “Will it ever end?” Such a question is like......
Life & Arts

Underrepresented student groups: a Case Study

  MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   Fredonia students have worked hard to create some successful Student Association (SA) groups with a strong general body. Some popular examples would be Women’s Student Union or Pride Alliance — both large groups with a generally active schedule of meetings and events. What about......

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