The Leader


Life & Arts

Local TV station owner Phil Arno shares insight into reality of news industry

Contributor to The Leader
ABBIE MILLER Editor-in-Chief While he spent a lot of his career behind the silver screen, there is nothing two-dimensional about Phil Arno. This is exactly the thought process that led Communications Professor Mike Igoe to choose the WBBZ TV Owner as a guest speaker for his journalism class.  Arno described......

Lovercolumn: Long-Distance Relationships

Contributor to The Leader
THE QUARTERBACK Executive Producer of Lovercall THE MUSICIAN Lovercall Producer  RADIO REBEL Lovercall Producer Hello!  We are The Quarterback, The Musician and Radio Rebel: producers and hosts of the radio show Lovercall, right here at Fredonia. Lovercall is an anonymous late-night talk show about love, relationships and more. Students who......

Why do 10-year-olds think they’re better than me at Dress to Impress?

Contributor to The Leader
ABIGAIL JACOBSON News Editor (AKA Researcher of Dress to Impress) Graphic by Isabella Rizzo | Art Director Guys. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I hate children. Shocking, I know. The only children I love are my nieces, nephews and the child I babysit for.  Every other child, hell......

New York State passes a bill requiring universities to provide free menstrual products

Contributor to The Leader
ABIGAIL JACOBSON News Editor Graphic by Isabella Rizzo | Art Director Something new will be coming to the bathrooms on the SUNY Fredonia campus.  On Aug. 26, Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill requiring all public SUNY and CUNY universities to provide free menstrual products in campus restrooms and buildings.......

How the now helps the future of Fredonia athletics

Contributor to The Leader
MITCHELL HORUCY Asst. Sports Editor Sam Evans (Midfielder), Men’s Soccer | Photo by Becca Torncello (Sports Photographer) After numerous years of declining enrollment, Fredonia has welcomed its largest freshman class in three years.  The school announced that the total of first-year, transfer and new graduate students was 1,034.  This means......

Local talk show host runs in 2024 election

Contributor to The Leader
ETHAN GOODNESS Special to The Leader BROCK PAPKE  Special to The Leader United States, 2024. A nation trapped in a period of perpetual darkness, with no light in sight. Every day is a civil war. People on both sides of the aisle wage endless battles with each other. Division holds......
Breaking NewsNews

Students for Fredonia holds protest regarding 15 possible minor cuts

Contributor to The Leader
ALEX BUCKNAM Asst. News Editor ABIGAIL JACOBSON News Editor DAN QUAGLIANA Managing Editor In December of 2023, Fredonia President Stephen Kolison Jr. announced plans to discontinue 13 majors across the university’s curriculum. Discontinued majors include philosophy, Spanish and photography.  All 13 majors were officially discontinued by the administration on March......
Life & ArtsUncategorized

Nyles Emile presents commentary on race and identity in directorial debut Fairview

Dan Quagliana
DAN QUAGLIANA Managing Editor PAC’s poster for Fairview. Designed by Alyssa Regrette. For first-time director Nyles Emile, SUNY Fredonia’s Performing Arts Company’s (PAC) production of Fairview is a dream come true. A 2018 play written by Jackie Sibblies Drury, Fairview won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.  Fairview confronts the......

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