The Leader



Trading a house for a dorm ResLife tries to get clubs to live on campus

Contributor to The Leader
  JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   Clubs on campus looking to live together are being welcomed to bunk up on campus. Residence Life (ResLife) recently started promoting Special Interest Community Housing. Starting on March 1, the Office of ResLife will be accepting housing applications through 5 p.m. on March 25.......

Starting fresh with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Fredonia selected to re-imagine its freshman experience

Contributor to The Leader
  JORDAN PATTERSON Staff Writer   Students may not always see their freshman year as an important time in their college career. But universities across the country do, and Fredonia is hoping to pave the way for change. Fredonia was one of 44 schools selected to participate in the Re-imagining......

From Fredonia to the White House Professor’s research contributes to new federal law

Contributor to The Leader
  COLIN PERRY News Editor   Four years ago, few people knew what microbeads were or how much they threatened the world’s waterways. Now, just a few years later, the tiny plastic beads that Americans usually find in their toothpaste or exfoliating scrubs are now banned. This is largely thanks......

Breaking news – a burrito cover-up: Bridge construction turns out to be grave marker, supposedly

EMMO Staff Lampoonist   It seems these past few semesters that, no matter where you turn on campus, there’s construction going on — Rockefeller, the Science Center and now, the bridge between McEwen and the Williams Center. You may ask yourself, “Will it ever end?” Such a question is like......
Life & Arts

Underrepresented student groups: a Case Study

  MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer   Fredonia students have worked hard to create some successful Student Association (SA) groups with a strong general body. Some popular examples would be Women’s Student Union or Pride Alliance — both large groups with a generally active schedule of meetings and events. What about......
Life & Arts

Fredonia welcomes a new major Music industry now a degree program

Contributor to The Leader
RIANNA SEELIG Staff Writer The music industry students recently received exciting news: A Bachelor of Science in Music Industry was officially approved. Previously, the area of study was only offered as a concentration associated with the School of Business. According to the Campus Report, this is “believed to be” the......

The administration cheat sheet Who to talk to and where to find them

Contributor to The Leader
CONNOR HOFFMAN Staff Writer   As a new semester begins, returning students and those new to the Fredonia campus alike are bound to have plenty of questions: Why don’t I have a meal plan? Am I a junior or a senior? And where in the world do I pay all......

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