The Leader

2020 Election


Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES MEAD Managing Editor [Updated 10:03 a.m., Oct. 2] At 12:54 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 2, President Donald Trump announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19. In a Tweet, he said, “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine......

We want YOU to vote in the 2020 election

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Special to The Leader Nov. 3 marks the date of the 2020 U.S. general election, and students need to vote now more than ever.  SUNY Fredonia has fully equipped its students to get involved and informed.   Fredonia’s own American Democracy Project, chaired by Dr. Angela McGowan-Kirsch, aims to......

I swear to God, if there is even a touch of malarky I’ll give ya a beating you won’t soon forget

Contributor to The Leader
JOSEPH R. BIDEN Candidate for United States President and Guest Writer (Actually just Joseph Marciniak, Scallion Editor) Folks, this race is getting real serious. Dang nabit, I don’t have time to address all the issues. Well look, I’ve got some pretty strong opponents; they know what they’re doing. And the......

‘If three candidates can hold the same office, then there’s no way for Bernie to win the nomination,’ Dems say

Contributor to The Leader
HANNAH BLIDY Guest Scallywag Recently, mainstream news sources like CNN, The New York Times and NBC have been covering the Democratic primary results as they come in. Every state has a different primary date. For example, the New York Democratic primary is April 28. At the end of the primaries,......

Sanders takes lead as Democratic frontrunner

Contributor to The Leader
SAMUEL LEWANDOWSKI Special to The Leader Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders just won the Nevada caucuses making him the front-runner in terms of delegates. Sanders has now won the last two contests of the 2020 election and while he tied at 26.2 percent with Mayor Pete Buttigieg in Iowa, Politico......

Bernie Sanders wants to get rid of the one percent — yes, even one percent milk

Contributor to The Leader
HANNAH BLIDY Guest Scallywag We all know how passionate Bernie Sanders is about taxing the wealthy. According to his website, if he becomes President, he will implement a policy taxing the extremely wealthy. This tax would be annual for households who make over $32 million per year. In other words,......

Jeb Bush DOMINATES Iowa Democratic Primary caucus, receiving 100 percent of delegates

Contributor to The Leader
JOSEPH MARCINIAK Editor of the Scallion In a surprising landslide in the Iowa Democratic Primary, 100 percent of delegates were pledged to Jeb Bush. Many believed it was due to errors in the app they used, but the DNC has confirmed that Jeb Bush has won. Many Democrats are outraged,......

What you need to know from last week’s Democratic debate

Contributor to The Leader
AIDAN POLLARD News Editor 1. Warren takes the hot seat Elizabeth Warren came under fire from both Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttegeig about her unwillingness to admit whether or not her idea for Medicare for All would raise taxes on the middle class. Warren repeated several times that “costs will......

Pelosi: ‘Concentration camps acceptable, but we draw the line at investigating Biden’

Contributor to The Leader
DOM MAGISTRO Assistant Scallion Editor An impeachment inquiry has begun as a result of a whistleblower complaint. The whistleblower complains that Trump asked the Ukranian prime minister to investigate Biden. Pelosi and House Democrats draw the line there. No one messes with Joe. “There are just some actions that are......

Better late than never: Here’s what went down at the Democratic Presidential Debate in June

Contributor to The Leader
JOSEPH MARCINIAK Scallion Editor Twenty candidates for the Democratic ticket for president went head-to-head in June, and it was intense. We’re super late, but here’s some highlights from that debate if you still care. Arguably the most important person running, Bill de Blasio, probably said something about beating Donald Trump.......

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