The Leader

Campus News

Life & Arts

Music Industry Club breaks records Life is Art garners highest fundraising total to date

Contributor to The Leader
AMBER MATTICE and CLAIRE O’REILLY Assistant Reverb Editor and Staff Writer   It was a gloomy day for most in Fredonia, but that didn’t stop the high energy in Steele Hall last Sunday afternoon. Music Industry Club’s Life is Art event brought in a great deal of local talent from......

The Leader goes out of business under new management

Contributor to The Leader
RAVIOLI Staff Lampoonist     For years, The Leader has kept Fredonia students up-to-date on local news, sporting events and some of the most brilliant satire. The paper’s long success has only been possible because of a constant flow of hard-working and dedicated staff. As usual, executive board elections were......

We’re all gonna die, but at least break is longer Summer vacation extended due to global warming

RAVIOLI Staff Lampoonist      With temperatures still hovering around 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit and expected to stay that way through the semester, some would say that Fredonia’s weather is just as messed up as always. The terrifying truth, however, is that global warming is, indeed, real and is showing itself......

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